Friday, April 3, 2009

this is test


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. King Please help me with design patterns.
    I have few basic questions

    What is a design pattern?

    Why do i need a design pattern?

    Are design patterns related to technology or they are just patterns which can be implemented in any technology?

    What are the scopes and limitations of design patterns?

    Do you have any document on design pattern, if yes, can you please share it with me?

  3. Design pattern is nothing but proven solution to the reproducible problems in computer languages.
    For example user has facing problem in normal servlets/JSP methodolgy for navigation and maintanance. So SUN implemented MVC pattern as JSF framework to do easy.
    Design pattern is an idea(like logics), each language should implement this logic to avoid the specific problem in a particular context.

  4. Thanks Mr.King, that almost answered most of my questions, but isn't JSF a framework?. I was thinking that, there are creational and behavorial patterns like singleton pattern, factory pattern etc. i would really appreciate, if you could share any material related to that

  5. Mr.King, i would also like to know about JavaFx, and other new technologies from sun.

  6. JSF is a UI framework(libraries) for java web applications. If you implement these API's automatically these API's implemented MVC pattern and let user can concentrate more on business logics.
    AJAX only for computer based browsers, JavaFX do the same as AJAX but supported for Mobile browser, computer browser.
    Right now JavaFX in initial draft,i.e implementations started. It might take 1 or 2 years to getting fullfledged documents.
    Other than new implementations are J2EE-Version specific.

  7. Thank you once again, Mr.King
    I'm creating a social networking site using spring and hibernate. What do you think will suit this kind of a web application? Does a light weight framework like spring and an orm like hibernate is fine? or, do you have any suggestions? Because the application data might grow eventually and im using a Mysql database right now. How will you choose the database and frameworks if it is a real time project?

  8. Instead of using spring based MVC framework for UI, better choose JSF or Struts. Lot of third party plugins are availbale for easy development. You can't find such kind of plugins for spring.
    Use IDE like MyEclipse, it will reduce lot of development time for JSF with Hibernate support.
    My opinion is JSF+Hibernate+MySql.

  9. JpQ01: Give a few reasons for using Java? LF DC
    JpA01: Java is a fun language. Let’s look at some of the reasons:
    􀂃 Built-in support for multi-threading, socket communication, and memory management (automatic garbage
    􀂃 Object Oriented (OO).
    􀂃 Better portability than other languages across operating systems.
    􀂃 Supports Web based applications (Applet, Servlet, and JSP), distributed applications (sockets, RMI. EJB etc)
    and network protocols (HTTP, JRMP etc) with the help of extensive standardised APIs (Application Program


How can instantiate Java interface without implementing.

public interface Foo { String method(); } public class Claaa {    public static void main(String[] args) {     Foo fooByIC...